Something that stuck out to me while reading the comic was the transition from the characters being mice with human bodies to humans having mouse masks. I noticed that Spiegelman changed the appearance to that when he was speaking from within himself, rather than telling the story. I see it as kind of an artistic intermission and I feel like it made the comic more engaging and refreshing from reading so much about Vladek's stories from being a captured prisoner.
In terms of the movie Barefoot Gen, I think both stories really nailed the personal experience of war through a character's eyes. Gen Nakaoka experienced himself the bombing of Hiroshima and the movie emphasized the solemn struggles of the time period, much like how Vladek told his stories of his and others' imprisonment. Some points of both stories showed very harsh scenes happening to innocent characters, which really caused a heavy emotional response from me. In Barefoot Gen, when the bomb hits, there's just a whole montage of watching peoples' bodies melt and burn from the impact of the bomb, showing some disturbing images that could really impact some viewers. The animation of it was also helpful in showing the effects of the bomb, since there was so much detailed included. The same goes in Maus, but a bit less disturbing, as you see the mice characters take off their clothes in a shower soon before you see a scene of them being gassed by the Germans. In comparison to a movie, it feels less emotional since it isn't animated, but I still understand the message it gave off. War stories are experiences that should be told to everyone, even today, because of how powerful their messages are, and I think using artistic media is a good way to accomplish that.